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As of 9/28/24:

Snakes Available
Yucatan milk snakes- normal, vanishing pattern, patternless
Stuart's milk snakes
Angolan pythons
Dumeril's boas
Mexican black kingsnakes
Prairie kingsnakes- hypo and het
Hypo tangerine Honduran milk snakes
Cosala locality Sinaloan  milk snakes
Scaleless and het blood red pied cornsnakes
Pueblan milk snakes
Palmetto corn snakes
Rhino rat snakes (high blue)
Persian rat snakes (pied and het)
Day Geckos Available
None available at this time.
Other Lizards Available
Pure Pine Island and Nuu Ami leachianus - all ages/prices.

***10/5/24: Calico chuckwallas have hatched. They will be available when they triple their weight, most likely January. We hope to have them for sale at the January Reptile Super Show in Pomona in January 2025. These lizards cannot be exported outside the U.S..***
Tortoises Available
Eastern Hermann's tortoise
Marginated tortoise
Russian tortoise


© 2018 Desert Moon Reptiles

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